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With so many online courses out there, it can be tough to figure out which ones are worth the investment.
Tom and I have invested in a bunch of courses in our journey of building our blogging business. Some of them have had a massive impact on helping us grow our blog… while others didn’t quite live up to expectations.
That’s why it’s important to us that we practice what we preach. We don’t want just blog and teach about blogging – we actually apply what we teach in the Blogging Fast Lane in our own blog!
Everything that we teach in the course is tested out on our travel blog, Adventure In You. This way, we can be sure what the strategies we share with our students are effective and up to date!
Whether you’re just starting on your blogging journey or you’re a seasoned blogger who’s looking for that extra boost to grow your business, you may be wondering if the Blogging Fast Lane is the right investment for you.

I get a lot of questions from interested bloggers about the Blogging Fast Lane, what it’s like, and whether it can really help someone profit from their passions through blogging.
In this article, I’ll answer these frequently asked questions about Blogging Fast Lane to help you decide if being a part of the Fast Lane Family is the right move for you.
Blogging Fast Lane Questions and Reviews
- I’m a complete blogging beginner. Will this work for me?
- I already have a blog… will I learn anything new?
- I’m already making money from my blog – why do I need this?
- I work full time. Can I still succeed even if I work on my blog on the side?
- I’m already so busy… How long will this course take?
- How long does it take until I start earning from my blog?
- Is it worth the price?
- Can the Blogging Fast Lane really help me succeed?
Q1. “I’m a complete blogging beginner! Is the Blogging Fast Lane suitable for me?”
Confession: Tom and I didn’t know anything about blogging when we started our blog 5 years ago. Actually, Tom didn’t even know what a blog was!
We completely understand what it’s like to be a beginner blogger who has big dreams because that was us. And so when we built the content for the course, we knew that we had to empower newbies to blogging with all the knowledge they need to get started.
If all you have right now is just an idea for a blog, we’ll give you the guidance you need to actually set it up and get it launched.
We’ve included a bonus 7-day Launch Plan in the course so that you can get your blog up and running on WordPress as soon as possible and with as little fuss as possible!
With access to our WordPress video vault, you can be confident that you’ll get guidance for all the technical stuff… especially if you’re a bit tech-challenged like I am.
You’ll also be assured to know that you won’t be the only beginner – our Fast Lane Family is actually mostly made up of blogging beginners who are starting from ground zero.
Here’s what one of our blogging beginner students has to say about the course.

So when you join our community, not only will you get the technical guidance from us on how to get started, you’ll also have the company of other fellow new bloggers who are on the same journey!
Once you’ve got your blog set up, you’ll be ready to roll on with the rest of the course!
The Blogging Fast Lane will teach you everything (and we mean, everything!) you need to know in order to go from newbie to making money from your blog. We’ll teach you the strategies and know-how to build your blog the “right” way from the beginning so that you can make money from it as soon as possible!
Since joining BFL, so many of our students have launched their blog and gotten started on their blogging journey.
Q2. “But what if I already have a blog? Will I learn anything useful when I join the Blogging Fast Lane?”
We’ve designed the Blogging Fast Lane course to be suitable for bloggers of all levels who want to turn their hobby blog into a business that gives you time freedom.
If you’ve been blogging for a while but still haven’t found the formula for blogging success yet, then BFL can help completely transform your blog!
Just a few years ago, we were in your shoes. After 2 years of hard work to build up our travel blog, we were frustrated that we still weren’t seeing much growth in traffic or income.
Through lots of trial and error, we finally found a path that worked… and now, Adventure In You has become a six-figure blog.
The Blogging Fast Lane is completely designed based on what worked on our blog. What’s more, we continue to test our strategies on AIY to ensure that everything we teach to our students is effective and up to date!
Interested in seeing BFL principles in action? Check out our case studies to see how we’ve applied what we teach on our own blog.
With BFL, you’ll get a mix of strategy and mindset tools that will help you level up your business, avoid common blogging mistakes, and start growing your income!
As long as you take action on what you learn in BFL, you CAN have a successful blogging business!
Hear from one of our students, Sarah Plack, who joined the Blogging Fast Lane and used what she learned in the course to transition to full-time blogging in under a year. Click here to see her story!
Q3. “I’m already earning some money from my blog…. why would I need the Blogging Fast Lane?”
Congrats on already making some money from your blog!
… but since you’re here reading this, I sense that you want more and you see untapped potential in your blog.
Perhaps you’re making money through ads, selling sponsored posts, or paid collaborations with brands. While all that is great, what if you could make money blogging without actually working all the time AND without a limit on how much you can earn?
Enter affiliate marketing for bloggers.
When we first started blogging, we also heavily relied on income from ads and sponsored content. However, we eventually found that it wasn’t the most viable long-term strategy and it was almost impossible to scale up.
Our blog’s income only really took off once we started implementing effective affiliate marketing tactics. And by beefing up our SEO and implementing email marketing, we transformed our blog into an Affiliate Machine, a 24/7 system that connects our readers to products and services that help them solve a problem.
Want to learn more about what an Affiliate Machine is? Read our guide on how to grow your blog into an Affiliate Machine!
But more than just being able to grow your income, we’re passionate about the idea of building an Affiliate Machine because of what it’ll give you: time freedom.
Thanks to AIY, we can earn an income without being tied to our laptops all the time. We have the freedom to schedule our day however we like, do things that we love, and have more control over our lives.
For you, time freedom might mean anything from having the flexibility to travel more, spending more time with loved ones, or being able to pursue other hobbies and interests.
BFL will provide you with the knowledge and tools you’ll need to level up your blog and your income so that you’ll achieve time freedom – that’s our mission!
Here’s one of our students who used the BFL techniques to grow their blog’s affiliate income to €1,800 – €2,600 per month! And they’re continuing to apply what they learn to get to their goal of 10k monthly income by the end of the year.

Q4. “I’m working full-time and only working on my blog on the side. Can I still do this?”
Of course, you can! Most of our students are the same, working full-time and building their blog on the side. We know that people learn and take action at different paces, so you’ll get lifetime access to the Blogging Fast Lane course.
That said, I’d like to emphasize that our course only works if you do! This means that you must make time for the course and to work on your blog, if you really want to succeed.
When we first started our blog, Tom and I were both juggling a bunch of things (I was working through my Master’s degree while working full-time!) and it was super tough to find time to work on our blog.
Finally, we made the decision that we had to make time… otherwise, it just wouldn’t happen for us.
I know how hectic it can be to handle real life while trying to build a blogging business. That’s why we’ve also shared our favorite time-hacking strategies and productivity tips in the course so that you can get more done with less time! You can do this!!
Q5. “How long will it take for me to get through the BFL course? I’m so busy and not sure if I have the time to do it…”
The Blogging Fast Lane is designed as an 8-week course, but as mentioned, you can go at your own pace as you’ll receive lifetime access to the course.
To help guide you, we also have roadmaps for both new and existing bloggers. These roadmaps will take you through your BFL journey, providing estimated timelines for when you should tackle the different portions of the course and the work you should complete at each designated pitstop.
When we first started, we were constantly second-guessing what to work on next. The roadmaps take away this guesswork so that you’ll have a clear plan of action after going through the course.
Whether it’s when to actually start working on your content or when to apply to affiliate programs, you’ll know what to do when.
These roadmaps are an actionable guide that can help keep you on track!
Once again, I’d like to reiterate the importance of making time to work on your blog. If you’re serious about building a blog you love and profiting from your passions, you must find the time to build it!
Here’s one of our students, who’s working on her blog on the side, said about the BFL course:

With BFL, we aim to help you work smarter so that you can reach blogging success in a shorter timeframe.
Q6. “How long will it take for me to start earning from my blog?”
I wish I could give you a concrete answer… but the truth is, it depends on a few factors.
What you should know is that the idea of overnight blogging success is a myth.
For bloggers who are completely new, it’s important to understand that it does take some time and effort to build a blog from scratch.
If you already have a blog and some content, you’re a few steps ahead but it will still take time for you to apply the BFL principles you’ve learned and start seeing income rolling in.
Another factor is your blogging niche. Some niches naturally have a higher demand and can be more easily monetized. Certain niches may also have more high-ticket affiliates that offer high priced products or services, which means you’ll able to earn more per sale.
The key to being successful at blogging is doing the right things consistently. Over time, your efforts will compound and you’ll see results build upon each other. This could happen in a few months, half a year, of a year later. But you’ll get what you put in.
Where does the Blogging Fast Lane fit in all this?
Well, with the course, we guide you through the step-by-step process of how to create great content that will keep readers coming back to your blog and how you can make money through tried and tested methods.
We share with you the “right” things that have worked on our blog so that you don’t have to go through all that trial, error, and frustration that we did!
Instead, you’ll have a blueprint for success that you can apply on your own blog. Consistently apply what you have learned and blogging success is ahead of you!
Q7. “I’m not sure if joining the Blogging Fast Lane is worth the price…”
We totally understand – we were also hesitant to invest in courses in our early years of blogging. At that time, we were struggling to make enough money… and spending a large sum on a course felt scary.
But the truth is that starting a business means being willing to invest in yourself.
Of course, if you have all the time and energy and don’t mind taking a longer route, you could figure it all out by yourself. But it can be a long and frustrating road – trust me, we know because we had to learn everything on our own!
So when we created the Blogging Fast Lane course, we were committed to creating a blogging course that offers loads of value and would work for anyone who applies what they learn.
What’s more, we’re also committed to offering the best blogging products in the market. That’s why we continue to use AIY to test all the strategies we teach in the course. Plus, we do periodic updates to the course and you’ll always have access to the updated material!
If you have a tight budget, we also offer the option to split the cost of the course into 3 installments.
Believe me, it’s so important to invest in yourself and learn more skills if you want to succeed! And we think BFL is the course that can help you reach your blogging dreams.
But don’t just take our word for it! Take a look at what some of our students have said about the course, what they think about it, and how it has impacted them.

Q8. “Will joining the Blogging Fast Lane really help me succeed as a blogger?”
The main reason we created the Blogging Fast Lane is because blogging changed our lives.
Before our blog, Tom and I were dissatisfied by the path our lives were on and feeling frustrated about having jobs we weren’t passionate about. Starting our travel blog was fuelled by nothing but passion… and it took some time but we finally unlocked a formula to blogging success.
And when people started asking us for blogging advice, we realized that we could empower others to change their lives by teaching them to do what we did.
That has now become the basis of our company’s mission which is to help 10,000 people profit from their passions and achieve time freedom through blogging.
When you join the Blogging Fast Lane, you’ll get access to a bunch of resources that can help you be a successful blogger.
Other than the course itself (with its workbooks, pitstops, bonus resources, and more), you’ll also become a part of the Fast Lane Family and receive access to our private Facebook group. There, you’ll get the support of your fellow Fast Lane bloggers, support from me and Tom, and guidance from our support team should you need it.
We also have a Support Hub where you can submit any questions you may have about the course or anything we can help with related to blogging.
We believe that with these resources, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed!
But to answer the question: our students have shown us that when you put in the work and apply what you learn, you will see results!

Our students’ successes are proof that the strategies we teach in the Blogging Fast Lane do work when you take action on what you learn!
Nothing makes us more excited than seeing our students succeed!

I hope that this article has cleared your doubts about the Blogging Fast Lane. At the end of the day, the decision is yours – only you can decide if BFL is the right choice for you.
If you still have any questions about the course, you’re welcome to book a call with us. Someone from our team will get back to you and they’ll be happy to help answer your queries!
Hope to see you join the Fast Lane Family!
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