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Ever feel stumped when you have to come up with blog post ideas? You’re not alone.
In this article, I’ve put together 81 blog post ideas that you can use regardless of what niche your blog is in. Save this list and pull from it later when you’re jammed in a creative block and are looking for something to write about.
Although this list may not provide you with a lot of SEO-optimized articles, it is full of fun blog post ideas to help you connect with your readers and build a more personal connection with them.
Don’t know what to blog about? Click here to get 81 blog post ideas to help you create GREAT content.
TweetOkay, let’s dive in.
Blog Post Ideas That Inspire
On every blog, it’s a good idea to have content that will inspire your readers in different ways. With these blog post ideas, you can do just that.

1. Walk readers through your blogging journey
You’d be surprised at how many readers are interested in blogging and how bloggers got to where they are today. Regardless of what niche your blog is in, this blog post idea works across the board as it gives your audience insight into your journey and can inspire them to follow their dreams, too!
2. What’s your schedule like? Show off a day in your life
As a blogger, you probably have a more unique schedule than most people. Give your readers a glimpse into what a day in your life is like so that they can understand the intricacies (and all of the fun) that goes into being a blogger. You can even use tips specific to your niche to round out the article.
For example, you can share how you organize your day and give tips on how to prioritize tasks. This blog post idea can create a really compelling piece of content that will be interesting for many of your readers.
3. Create photo diaries related to your blog topic
For a simple blog post idea, create a photo diary that relates to your blog topic to inspire readers on a visual level. Accompany each photo you include with an inspirational or informative caption to let readers know what they’re looking at.
This blog post idea can be used by any kind of blogger: travel bloggers can take readers on a trip with their images, food bloggers can make reader’s mouth water with pictures of food…
Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words! Just be sure to add paragraphs to help you get that content ranking!
4. Interview someone successful in your niche
If people are visiting your blog, it’s safe to say that they’re interested in your topic and what you have to say. What if you bring someone else into the conversation? Someone who’s a professional or leader in the industry?
Reach out to some of these players and propose an interview. Use the interview to shape a blog post to inspire your readers with their secrets to success.

5. What makes you tick? Outline some keys to success in your industry
Depending on your niche, there may be different keys to success for making it as a blogger. For travel bloggers, maybe this is having lots of unique and interesting experiences to share. For productivity bloggers, this could be something like sticking to a routine.
Brainstorm some keys to success within your blogging niche and outline them for your readers with this blog post idea.
6. Make any money with your blog? Publish a blogger income report
If you’re raking in the dough with your blog, a common blog post idea is to publish a blogger income report. This is where you outline how much money you’ve made in a certain time frame (normally a month, quarter or year) and provide proof and a breakdown of the different sources.
The purpose of blogger income reports is to inspire others to make money by starting their own websites! No matter how much or little you make, it’s worth sharing to show readers that they can do it too.
7. Curate an inspiring quotes list
Give your audience a pick-me-up by creating a blog post full of inspiring quotes. These quotes can be inspirational in a number of ways.
You can make them specific to your blogging niche, i.e. quotes to inspire creativity, parenting quotes, quotes to inspire wanderlust, cooking quotes, etc…, or just create a general list of inspirational quotes for your readers to refer back to whenever they may need a boost in the motivation department.
8. What’s the best piece of advice someone’s ever given you?
I’ll always remember the time someone told me “smile at the world, and the world will smile back”. That’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten… how about you?
Share a little tidbit of wisdom with your readers and why it stuck with you. Who knows, it could be that piece of life-changing advice for someone out there!

9. If you could go back in time, what would you tell a younger version of yourself?
As a blogger, hindsight really is 20/20. Is there anything that you’d go back and tell a younger version of yourself? For this blog post idea, you can even write about what you would tell yourself before setting out on your blogging journey.
This can really go a long way in helping people who are interested in starting their own blogs. Inspire them with your journey and share your wisdom looking back at things.
10. Do you have any wisdom for becoming a blogger?
To inspire budding bloggers in your niche, a standout blog post idea is to compile a list of advice to share with your readers. This can be anything from what makes you most successful to the little things like celebrating small accomplishments.
You can also pull on bits of advice from other bloggers or experts in your niche to help readers get some insight into the industry and craft a well-rounded article.
11. Do you have a five-year plan? If so, what’s on it? If not, why not?
I know tons of bloggers (and people in general) have a five-year plan to guide their personal and business growth. Do you have a five-year plan? Spell it out in a blog post to show readers what you hope to accomplish over the course of the upcoming years.
However, if you’re anything like me, you don’t have a five-year plan! If you’ve opted to forego the planning, what are some of the reasons? What are the benefits of living day to day rather than five years in advance?
This blog post idea can create a really well-rounded piece of content that can serve as inspiration for your readers, no matter what niche you’re in.

Editor’s Note: Want to learn how to monetize your blog?
12. Have you ever had a significant life event that shaped who you are?
Maybe you nearly got hit by a car or got lost on a hiking trail or were fired from your first job. Do you have any significant life events or experiences that have had an impact on who you are today?
Even if it’s not something as dramatic as what’s listed, wrack your brain and try to think of an instance where something happened and changed the course of your life.
Writing about this experience (and what you’ve learned from it) will inspire your readers, especially if they’re going through hardships themselves. Provide a silver lining with this blog post idea to give your readers hope for the future!
13. What do you love most about being a blogger in your niche?
As a blogger, there must be some aspects about your job that you love. Whether it’s pursuing your passions, connecting with like-minded people, or helping others through your website, what are some of the reasons that you love to be a blogger in your specific niche?
Use this blog post idea to craft an inspiring response for your readers about what’s so fulfilling about being a blogger.
14. Put together a list of top people in your niche to follow on social media
Even if you’re not big on social media yourself, there are definitely plenty of people in your niche who are. In just about every niche, no matter what it is, there’s a long list of influencers who take to Instagram and beyond to promote products and educate followers on a certain subject.
Put together a list of your favorite influencers in your niche or anyone worth following on social media to expose readers to other great minds in your blog topic.
Blog Post Ideas That Motivate
If you’re hoping to motivate your audience, give these motivational blog post ideas a go!

15. Detail how to overcome distractions or challenges in your niche
No matter what kind of blogger you are, there are sure to be plenty of distractions and/or challenges in your niche. Use this blog post idea to outline them for your audience and show them how to overcome them.
Maybe you struggle to sit down and crank out an article. What do you do to get it done? Perhaps managing money is really challenging as a craft blogger… How did you create a financial plan?
This kind of advice is really useful to budding bloggers in your niche, and even to show people that there’s a real human behind the screen and that things aren’t always perfect! Give people an authentic look into your life as a blogger and show them how to tackle the roadblocks that may arise.
16. Brainstorm a big challenge (or several) that you’ve faced. How did you tackle it?
Similar to the previous blog post idea, come up with a real challenge you’ve faced in your niche.
If you’re a mom blogger, this challenge could be something like finding the time to work on your blog while staying home with the kids. If you’re a campervan blogger, maybe you needed to come up with money to complete your renovation. How did you do this?
By sharing these challenges in an article, you can help readers who may be having the same challenges, too!
17. Give an overview of your yearly goals and how you plan to accomplish them
Almost all successful bloggers publish goals on their blog at some point. Whether they’re weekly, monthly, quarterly or on an annual basis, bloggers sharing goals is an awesome way to motivate your audience to set and reach for their own goals.
Even better if you can share strategies with your audience about how you will achieve your goals to see if they can benefit from your advice.

18. What do you do to create a work/life balance?
How do you maintain a work/life balance as a blogger? This will look different for every niche! If you’re a travel blogger, how do you work while on the road? If you’re a food blogger, when do you put the camera down and enjoy your meal?
This blog post idea is relevant even if you work full-time and run a blog on the side… how do you find a balance between the two and then integrate some free time into the mix as well?
Motivate your readers by sharing your work/life balance tips and maybe they’ll be able to emulate it in their own lives, too.
19. Map out your daily routine and what you do to motivate yourself
Everyone’s daily routine looks a little different… even more so when you look at bloggers. Share your unique routine by outlining it for readers. Start with the moment you wake up and end with going to sleep.
How do you fill your days? What takes the most time? What do you look forward to the most? How do you motivate yourself? Answering all of these questions will create an interesting and informative blog post that will motivate others to create a routine and stick to it!
20. Ever seen an unexpected backstory from someone in your niche?
One of my favorite blogging stories comes from Sarah Titus, a printables blogger who went from homeless to millionaire with her online empire. This unexpected rags-to-riches story is motivating to say the least, and a great example of how to turn a bad hand into something spectacular.
Have you ever heard an unexpected story about a blogger in your niche? One blog post idea is to write about their story, or even interview them and write a blog post about it. This is an amazing way to motivate and inspire your audience!
21. Do you have any time-saving tricks you use as a blogger?
Lots of bloggers work full-time with their blogging business as a side hustle. This makes for a busy kind of life… If you’re one of these bloggers, do you have any time-saving tricks to help you maximize the most of your precious 24 hours a day?
This blog post idea can help to motivate your audience who may think that they don’t have enough time to pursue what they’re passionate about.

22. Write up a profile or interview of one of your readers
Do you have any loyal followers or fans of your blog? Maybe someone who frequently comments on or shares your posts? Reach out to see if you can do a special feature on them. Write up how they found your blog and why they keep on coming back. Do they use any of your products or services? Why did they choose you?
This blog post idea can help to motivate other readers to continue to come back to your blog if they can see how much it’s helped someone else. It can also be a nice motivating push for your products or services, if you offer any!
Plus, writing about your readers shows how much you appreciate your audience. Demonstrating this level of care can go a long way in terms of building your readership.
23. Do you have any bad habits?
Laying out your bad habits in a blog post is a down-to-earth way to show your readers that you’re human too.
Whether it’s an undying craving for sweets, constant nail-biting or kicking ice cubes under the fridge instead of picking them up, you can pick a bad habit that relates to your niche (which your readers may have, too) and how you avoid giving in to it.
24. Create a blog review of a new experience
Is there anything that you’ve been dying to try? Or an experience that needs to happen but you’re hesitant to follow through with it? Give it a go and then write all about it!
For example, travel bloggers can try out a new backpack and review it, mom bloggers can try out a new healthy recipe on their kids, and DIY bloggers can branch out and try a new craft. Doing these things and writing about them can be really helpful to your readers in terms of whether they should try this new thing as well.
Blog Post Ideas That Educate
Chances are, people are on your blog to learn something. These blog post ideas are meant to educate your readers on different topics.

25. What are the top books on your niche topic?
In every niche, there will be certain books that make waves. In the online world, there’s the book the Four-Hour Work Week, which has become a sort of “bible” for bloggers.
Are there any books like that in your niche? Read any great books that your audience would also love? Compile a list of books to share in a blog post to keep your readers engrossed in your subject. They don’t have to be super technical either!
Travel bloggers can share inspiring books about travel, food bloggers can share a list of their favorite cookbooks, mom bloggers can share a collection of their favorite parenting books. No matter what niche your blog is in, you can bet there are enough books to create an article about them.
26. Write a book review
While we’re riding the book train, are there any books that really changed your life or any books that you immensely enjoyed? A blog post idea is to write a full-blown book review to take an in-depth dive and start a discussion with your readers.
Who knows, maybe this book review will motivate your readers to all pick up a copy! Can you say virtual book club, or what?
27. Are there any problems your audience may be facing? Offer a solution
The central purpose of any blog should be to address the reader’s problems and concerns and provide a solution. While this may be the overarching theme of a blog, you can also narrow it down to a specific blog post.
What are some issues your readers may be having? Maybe it’s choosing out the perfect new tent in time for summer or picking the best stand mixer. Maybe they’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning or save any money.
Find a problem in your niche and offer your readers an in-depth solution to raise the value of your blog even further.

28. Create step-by-step guides on various subjects
Step-by-step guides are a popular blog post idea and are used to teach subjects in any niche! The best part about these articles is that you can create them about pretty much anything.
5 Steps to a Better Life, 10 Steps to Jumpstart Your Income, 7 Steps to Booking Accommodation Online, 12 Steps to Planting Your Backyard Garden… the list can go on and on!
Think of some step-by-step blog topics and then write several articles using this blog post idea.
29. Put together a listicle
All bloggers can also benefit from throwing some “top 10” lists into the mix. These are exactly what they sound like: a blogger’s top 10. Keep it relevant to your niche and give readers a complete rundown of the best of the best. This can be top 10 vacation destinations, seeds to plant in spring, penny pinching tricks, and beyond.
Tip: When creating listicles, don’t just regurgitate what others are recommending. Don’t be afraid to get creative and recommend picks of your own!
30. Complete and share a case study
One way to deliver value to your audience with a blog post idea and educate them at the same time is by putting together a case study.
Have you accomplished any big milestones with your blog? Achieved anything big in your niche? How did you do it? Document your experience and share it as a case study for your readers to learn from.
We did this with our own blog and created a case study about high-ticket affiliates.
31. What are some “hacks” for your niche AKA anything that might be helpful for your readers?
Are there any “hacks” for being successful in your niche? For travel bloggers, these hacks can be along the lines of overcoming jet lag or how to work on the go. Mom bloggers may have hacks to get their kids down for naptime or feed them healthy meals. Even fitness bloggers will have hacks to share, to help their readers make the most of their workouts.
Brainstorm some of the top “hacks” for your niche and put together a blog post detailing them.
32. Do you use social media for your blog? Why or why not?
A great time to link out to your socials, this blog post idea gives readers a look into your presence outside of your blog. Why do you use social media? In what ways does it help with your blog?
Even if you don’t have any socials for your website, this blog post idea still works. If you opted to forego social channels for your blog, explain why you made this decision and educate readers on your stance.

33. Share causes that are meaningful to you and why you support them
Are there any causes that you fervently believe in? Any organization you actively donate to or volunteer with? Share these organizations with your readers and why they’re so meaningful and important to you.
Doing this is an awesome way to educate your audience while promoting an entity that you really believe in. Who knows? This blog post might just secure some more donations for a cause that’s near and dear to your heart.
34. Detail what it’s like to work for yourself
Many bloggers turn their websites into a business, allowing them to work for themselves full-time. Give readers an insight into what this is like!
As a full-time blogger myself, I know that it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows… Hand over the inside scoop, the good, the bad, and the ugly of what it’s like to be your own boss.
35. Give a rundown of industry lingo
Are there any special terms or phrases thrown around in your blogging niche? Create a giant list of them with definitions so that your readers always know what you (and other bloggers in similar topics) are talking about.
This glossary can be a great way to introduce your audience to new vocab in your niche and gives them a reference point whenever they may be stuck.
Fitness bloggers may include words like “gains” or “reps”, while home improvement bloggers may use terms like “demo day” and “polyurethane coating”. Don’t be afraid to get funky with it!
36. Transcribe any audio or visual content that you have in a blog post
If you’ve recorded any podcasts or vlogs for your blog, take the time to transcribe the audio in a full blog post.
Having transcriptions makes all of your content accessible, especially for people who have disabilities which goes a long way! Transcriptions are also useful for members of your audience who may not have the time to listen to a 30 minute podcast or watch an entire video.

37. Compare two products or services for your niche
Your readers may be wondering “this or that” for certain popular products or services in your niche. Take the time to create a full comparison reviewing the options and covering the pros and cons of each.
For example, a campervan blogger can compare two different van models or a finance blogger can compare two investment apps. You can even take things a step further by comparing products or services that you’re an affiliate for to drive sales. Don’t forget the CTA buttons!
38. What are your favorite plugins for your blog?
If you’re a WordPress user, you must have a handful of plugins that make your world go round. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic but there must be some plugins that you depend on to build out your blog’s functionality and offerings.
Compile a list of top plugins for your niche and what they do. This could even be a great chance to try out other plugins that you’ve heard about but have yet to use.
Ideas for Blog Posts That Inform
When people take to the internet, they’re generally on the hunt for important information. Use this to your advantage with these informative blog post ideas.

39. Review the best products and/or services in your niche
This is a top blog post idea as it serves two purposes: it gives valuable information to your readers and it has the potential to make you some money.
If you have a knitting blog, review best yarn choices; if you’re a food blogger, give the rundown on best stand mixers; if you have a campervan blog, write a whole article about best campgrounds in a specific area.
If you’re an affiliate for the products or services you recommend, even better as you can earn a commission if someone makes a purchase with your link. Use affiliates to your benefit and create entire articles around them!
40. Have you created any products? Share them with your readers, with a clear call to action
While you may have more than just articles on your blog, your readers might not know this! If you’ve created any products, you can actually write an entire blog post showcasing them.
Explain why you developed it, what the product can be used for, who it’s geared towards, and why your readers need it NOW! Doing this gives your products exposure while informing your readers… and probably making some sales at the same time.
41. Have any special skills? Detail your experience and services you can offer for prospective freelance clients
One of the top ways bloggers make money is through offering unique services utilizing their skills.
Do you offer any services from your blog? By spelling out what you offer clearly in a blog post, you can gain freelance clients and diversify your income streams.
Popular general services bloggers offer are writing, editing, photography, social media, graphic design, etc… But you can also get more specific with your niche.
Travel bloggers can offer trip planning services, fitness bloggers can offer personalized workout plans, food bloggers can create individual meal plans, the list goes on and on!
Using this blog post idea to create a full article about your service(s) will not only provide a reference point for prospective clients but, with proper SEO, you may be able to gain new ones with it, too!
42. Curate a collection of useful resources for your niche
One blog post idea that almost every blogger implements somewhere on their blog is a resource list. This works across every niche and gives bloggers the chance to integrate affiliate links, as well.
For travel bloggers, these resources can be accommodation or transportation booking sites and activity providers, to name a few. If you run a blog about productivity, you can list tools like the Pomodoro Tracker or planners to stay organized.
These jumbo resource lists can be a one-stop-shop for your readers when they’re looking for information to help them within your niche.

43. What tools can’t you live without?
Give readers some insight into what tools you simply can’t live without.
If you have a design blog, this could be things like Photoshop and InDesign; if you’re a DIY blogger, maybe Procreate is your best friend. Plant bloggers can detail things like their favorite fertilizers, travel bloggers can talk about what they use to edit their photos, and fitness bloggers can talk about their top choices for workout equipment.
Whatever niche you’re blogging in, there are definitely tools that your audience will be interested in hearing about! Here’s a sample article where we wrote about the best blogging tools which turned out to be a fantastic resource for our readers.
44. Create a FAQ post about your blog
A blog post idea popular across just about every niche is a FAQ article spelling out some of the most frequently asked questions about your blog. Even if you haven’t gotten tons of questions, this is a good time to compile information about your blog into one place, so that if someone is curious about something while on your website, they’ll have a place to turn.
An FAQ post can include things like why you started a blog, how you make money with your blog, collaboration policies, and subjects of the like. Don’t be afraid to get creative with this post!
45. What are the top skills needed to be successful in your niche?
If someone wants to enter your niche, what skills will they need to be successful? This kind of informative blog post idea is super useful to your readers, many of whom are probably curious about how to make it the way you have.
Obviously, the skills featured will vary depending on your niche, but as an example, a lifestyle blogger may include skills like photography, time management, video editing, styling, etc…
46. Lay out the steps of how to become a blogger
Besides just wanting to break into your niche, many readers may be inspired by what you’ve achieved with your blog and want to start their own!
You can actually put together a whole blog post about how to become a blogger. Detail your own blogging journey and then include specific steps that individuals can take to become a blogger themselves.

47. Create an infographic
What better way to share information than with a fun infographic? Another blog post idea is to create an engaging infographic about a topic in your niche and then share it with your readers.
For example, a food blogger could create an infographic depicting a new recipe, or a craft blogger can create an infographic about how to complete their latest project.
If you’re not feeling artistic enough to create your own infographic (although Canva Pro makes this process super easy), you can compile infographics from your niche and share them in a single post. Just be sure to properly credit the infographics you choose!
48. Does your blog have a mission statement?
Most companies, brands, and yes, blogs, have their own mission statement to guide their practices.
Our mission statement at Blogging Fast Lane is to “help 10,000 people profit from their passions and achieve time freedom through blogging”. This statement influences just about everything we do and is central to our goals.
Do you have a mission statement for your blog? Write an article about why you’ve chosen this particular mission and how it ties back to your readers. If not, now’s a great time to create a mission statement for your blog and write about it!
49. Give a behind-the-scenes look at your life as a blogger
What you show on your blog may be very different from the reality of life as a blogger. Give your readers an authentic peek into what it’s like to be you with a behind-the-scenes tour.
Do you have any special rituals? What do you do when things go wrong? How do you end a productive day? How do you balance blogging with your other responsibilities? Use this blog post idea to inform your audience about the actual happenings of a blogger.

50. Do you have any employees? Put together an interview
If you have people that work for you, an awesome blog post idea is to interview them. Ask questions about how they got into your niche and why they decided to work for a blogger. You may be surprised at some of the answers!
This informative kind of blog post can show that job opportunities in this field exist, and that they can be a great way to break into a certain niche.
51. What are some common misconceptions about your niche?
Regardless of what blogging niche you’re in, there are probably a boatload of misconceptions like fitness bloggers need to be skinny; travel bloggers write from the beach; all finance bloggers are rich; and mommy bloggers have it all figured out.
Use this blog post idea to address these misconceptions and dole out a hefty dose of the truth. Doing this makes for a much more realistic and truthful blog, qualities that most readers will respect greatly!
52. Compile testimonials or reviews from customers
If you offer a product or service on your blog, an outstanding blog post idea is to compile reviews or testimonials from happy customers to share.
Doing this not only shows how useful or effective your offering is, but also has the opportunity to drive sales. It’s not really a shameless plug if it’s on your own blog, is it? Either way, this is one of the best informative blog post ideas out there.
We did this on our travel blog to promote the BFL course using student testimonials!
53. Create a post with guest post guidelines
If you accept guest posts on your blog, it’s a good idea to put together a complete article outlining your rules or guidelines surrounding them.
What kind of writing style do you expect? What’s the minimum word count? Do they need to include pictures? Lay all of this out in a single article so that when people inquire, you have a direct place to send them.
It also helps to have a post like this so that when people are looking for websites to guest post on, they have a clear answer from you before they even reach out!
Blog Post Ideas About a Specific Time of Year
Halloween around the corner or Christmas creeping up? You can use these blog post ideas to write about specific times of the year to keep the relevant content coming even as the holidays hit!

54. What are some halloween costumes for your niche?
Before you laugh, this is a totally legitimate blog post idea that tons of readers will love! Come up with a list of potential halloween costumes for your niche to help your audience dress for success on the best night of the year.
You can get pretty creative with this one… think outside of the box!
55. How do you celebrate the holidays?
Do you have any unique traditions or practices to ring in the holidays? While everyone celebrates differently, it’s fun to share and learn about different ways of commemorating the holidays.
This is a great blog post idea for around November and December, when the cooler weather draws in and the holiday spirit breaks out.
56. What are the top gifts for your niche?
A blog post idea that will inform and make you some money at the same time, compile a list of the top gifts for your niche.
What would people who are interested in your blog topic love to receive for their birthday or the holidays? This works for any blogging niche under the sun and is a top way to insert affiliate links into an article naturally!
57. Are there any important milestones in your life or business?
It’s not every day that you achieve an important milestone. Whether it’s in your personal life or in the blogosphere, there’s a lot to celebrate and share with your audience.
This blog post idea works for detailing a single milestone for your readers but can also work in a timeline format.
Put together a list of the most important milestones you want to share and timeline them out in an entire blog post. This can be anything from starting your blog, making your first sale, or achieving something specific to your niche like finally reaching your target weight lift (fitness blog), publishing a cookbook (food blog), or having your first baby (mom blog).
58. A year in review: Look back on your year and share reflections
This blog post idea works best at the end of the year or very early in a new year. Take some time to reflect on the past year and share what you’ve learned with your readers. This is a time to connect with your audience and be honest with them.
The year probably wasn’t always sunshine and daisies… What roadblocks did you run into? How did you overcome challenges? What were the highlights of your year? Mash them into a single piece of content to share with your readers a year in review.

59. Share recent industry news
Even in the most boring industry in the world, there’s probably some news to keep up to date with. If you stay on top of what’s going on in your niche, share the most pertinent information in a timely manner with your audience, to keep them up to date as well.
Industry news can be anything from how the global situation is affecting your niche to a product or service release. Stay on top of things and this is a blog post idea that you can use throughout the year!
60. Celebrate your blog’s birthday!
A fun blog post idea that comes around annually is celebrating your blog’s birthday. While it may seem a little corny, creating a post like this gives you the chance to reflect on your blog and share this with your readers.
Beyond that, if you use this blog post idea every year, you can create a little time capsule to look back on, filled with all of your achievements (and maybe some failures) since you started blogging.
61. Are there any trends impacting your industry right now?
Every once in a while, there may be a trend or happening that shakes things up in your niche. When this happens, use this blog post idea to write about it!
Detailing a trend and any changes within it helps to keep your readers informed and up to date with your niche. If you can actively (and consistently) report on trends and similar topics, your readers will begin to turn to you for this kind of important information.
Blog Post Ideas to Build Personal Connections
Blogs aren’t meant to be totally serious all the time. And if they are, it’s probably a pretty boring blog… These blog post ideas are just for fun, as a way to round out your content and give your readers a little laugh.

62. Share an embarrassing story
One of the best ways to show readers that there’s a real human behind your blog is to get personal. A fun blog post idea is to detail an embarrassing story to give your audience something to relate to.
It’ll work best if it’s related to your niche i.e., a travel mishap, cooking gone wrong, DIY fails, and show your readers that even though you know what you’re talking about, you’re not perfect!
63. Jot down your bucket list
Do you have a bucket list? Maybe it’s related to your niche, maybe it’s more general. Whatever it is, share it in a blog post!
Write out your bucket list and why you chose each item. Down the road, you can look back on it and see what you can check off. Plus, this might inspire your readers to crack out their own bucket list and start following their dreams.
64. Create an XX before XX list
Ever seen a 30 before 30 list? Or a 40 before 40 or even 20 before 20? These are a super fun way to break down what you hope to accomplish in a ten year time span.
Create one of these lists for your blog niche. Not only is this a good thing to look at for yourself, but it’ll motivate readers to accomplish these things as well.
65. What’s in your everyday bag? Give people a peek into what you always take along with you
What people carry in their everyday bags is very telling about the type of person they are. What are some essentials that you always have on hand? Give a little tour of your purse or work bag to show off must-have items. You can even pop a few affiliate links in this blog post idea!

66. If you could have dinner with any dead person, who would it be?
A no-fail party question, write a blog post about the top dead person you’d have dinner with! Not in a morbid sense but who would you invite to a chat over steaks and a glass of red? What would you talk about?
It can be anyone, from a personal hero to a relative and anyone in between. This is an inspiring blog post idea that will allow your readers to understand you on a deeper level.
67. What are some of your favorite blogs to browse?
Share the love with this blog post idea and compile a list of some of your favorite blogs to read. While it may seem counterintuitive to promote the competition, this is a great way to connect with others.
Plus, your blog can’t cover everything… Maybe some of the blogs on this list fill a gap that you may have on your blog or answer reader questions that you might not address.
Even if the blogs you share aren’t in your niche, it’s still nice to use this blog post idea to put together a list for your readers to refer to whenever they’re on the hunt for primo information.
68. What do you do when you’re not blogging?
You may be a fitness, mommy, DIY or travel blogger, but what do you do outside of your niche? Paint a well-rounded picture of your interests for your readers and show them that there’s more to you than just your blog topic.
69. Visited anywhere fun recently? Detail your experience
Even if you’re not a travel blogger, you can talk about your adventures on your blog. If you’ve taken a trip recently, put together a blog post with it! If not, you can still use this blog post idea to share one of your favorite excursions or places to visit.
What did you do? What was your favorite part? Most importantly, what did you eat?! This is a piece of content that’s just for fun, but you can use affiliate links with it to promote any hotels you stayed at, activities you did, or products you used on the go.
70. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would be in your backpack?
What would you have with you if you woke up on a deserted island? These may be things that you have on hand every day or you can put a spin on this blog post idea and write about what you would purposely take before getting stranded.
Either way, have some light-hearted fun painting a picture for your audience about what you would have or take with you. My number one item? Slim Jims!

71. Show off your workspace with a full tour
Where do you get the bulk of your blogging work done? Do you have a designated work station at your house? A favorite cubicle in the library? A cheap coffee shop with the perfect corner booth? Wherever it is, give your readers a full tour of your workspace and where the magic happens.
If it’s a place in your home or a coworking space, you can even make a little video (or take tons of pictures) showing off how you keep yourself organized and where you stash emergency snacks.
72. What’s on your work playlist?
Do you blog while listening to music? I have a big handful of songs that I have on repeat when I edit blog posts and add them to WordPress. What’s on your blogging playlist? Is your style more upbeat or chilled out?
If you don’t have a designated playlist, now’s the perfect time to make one for your audience! It doesn’t have to be purely for blogging… maybe your readers will use it while they get their work done too.
73. Make a list of movies that every blogger in your niche needs to see
No matter what niche you’re in, there are definitely relevant movies that everyone needs to see. As a travel blogger, at the top of my movie list is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I also believe that all food bloggers must see Ratatouille to really understand French cooking.
When it comes to your niche, what movies are on your list? What are the absolute must-sees? Have fun with this blog post idea!
74. Create surveys, polls, or quizzes for your readers
A fun way to take your audience’s temperature is to put together surveys, polls or quizzes for them to complete. Because I mean, come on, who doesn’t love polls?!
This can be totally relevant to your niche, but it can also be to find out what kind of content they want to see more of and what mediums they connect to most. While this will definitely be entertaining for your readers, it’ll also provide you with valuable information that you can use in the future to craft even more kick-ass blog post ideas that your readers will actually care about.
75. Film a vlog!
Keep it interesting for your readers and switch things up by recording a vlog! It’s fun to change up the way you deliver information and, who knows, maybe your readers will dig this new format.
Plus, embedding videos in your articles is also a great way to increase time-on-page!
You can create a vlog about anything in your niche, just be sure to put on your brightest smile and maybe invest in a tripod, if you don’t want to be in selfie mode the entire video.
Here’s a video I made for our newly launched YouTube Channel! We decided to expand to YouTube to help increase time-on-page as well as to provide a different way for our readers to learn.
76. Come up with a challenge to get your readers engaged
Creating challenges is a great way to connect with and engage your audience while having some fun. Use this blog post idea to come up with a challenge that you and your readers can do together.
If you’re a health blogger, this could be a 10-day clean eating challenge. If you’re a fitness blogger, this could be a one-week workout challenge. Design bloggers can have a design prompt every day and lifestyle bloggers can have a month-long journaling challenge.
Encourage readers to detail and share their experience with the challenge, and do the same yourself! This is an awesome way to get everyone involved and connected in a light-hearted manner.
77. Who’s a personal hero in your niche?
No matter what niche you’re in, I’m sure there’s someone that’s inspired or motivated you in one way or another. Create a write-up about your personal hero and how they’ve helped you succeed as a blogger in your specific niche.
Fashion bloggers may list famous designers, craft bloggers may reference artists, mommy bloggers may cover successful working moms… Whoever it is, detail their impact with this blog post idea!
78. What’s on your personal reading list?
Craft a blog post that’s made up of your own personal reading list! It can be books that you’re dying to read, books that you’ve already read, and favorite books for your niche, too.
To round out the blog post a bit, write a short blurb for each book listed about why it’s on your list, who recommended it to you and what you thought of it, if you’ve already completed it.

79. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’m sure as a five-year-old, you didn’t walk around telling people that you wanted to be a blogger when you grew up. More likely, it was something along the lines of a doctor or ballerina or President of the United States.
Write about these dreams of what you wanted to be when you grew up with this blog post idea. You can even go the extra mile to talk about how you winded up a blogger instead!
80. Craft a checklist for a topic in your niche
No matter what blogging niche you’re in, you can definitely create a checklist about something that will help make your reader’s lives a little bit easier.
On our travel blog, Adventure in You, we have dozens of packing checklists that cover any kind of trip that our readers may take.
If you have a productivity blog, you can create a checklist about what to do every morning to set yourself up for success. If you’re a mommy blogger, put together a checklist for a new mom’s diaper bag.
These checklists are beyond useful for readers and you can actually use this blog post idea to create multiple checklists about anything that’s relevant to your niche.
81. Curate an A-Z list for your niche
This might be a little tricky, but take some time to create a full A-Z list of words in your niche. This can become something of a glossary, but also a fun blog post idea to round out the content on your blog. Not everything has to be super serious so enjoy coming up with this amusing list that’s sure to entertain your readers as well.
After making your way through this list of 81 blog post ideas, hopefully your mind is brimming with possibilities of all the new content on the horizon.
Remember, publishing regular content is the best way to keep your blog in tip-top shape and your readers engaged. Integrate these blog post ideas into your content plan and use them whenever you’re in search of a dose of writing inspiration.
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